This will not be titled ‘New year, new me!’ 

My #oneword365 for 2016 was seek, and oh man was that ever true. I sought God whole heartedly, probably more than I had in my whole entire life. Which resulted in me experiencing Him in the most tangible and incredible ways. I sought truth as I read my bible, I allowed myself to question things instead of just taking what other people said around me and believing it. I sought help and healing through Mercy Canada, counselling, accountability, family and friends. I gave myself permission to open up, to feel, and to hurt….seeking God’s comfort as I did instead of temporary comforts that would normally be my go to. I learned what it looks like to live a healthy lifestyle, physically, mentally and spiritually. By all means, these are all things that I have in no way perfected. I am on a continued journey of healing, figuring out my relationship with God, myself and others. I still have to reread my journal entries from those significant days to remind myself of just how present God is in my everyday life.

I spent some time in prayer about 2017, what would this year look like for me? What are my goals? My desires? God lead me to Psalm 37:4 which says ‘Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.’ As I continue to seek God this year and my character becomes like His, He will place His desires, the right desires in my heart. God has made it clear that this will be a FOUNDATIONAL year for me, solidifying what He has already taught me to be able to build and grow on top of those things which will lead me further into His will for my life. The word steadfast came to mind for my #oneword365 of 2017. Why? Firstly, I believe that God wants me to be reminded of His STEADFAST love for me this year. He is and will continue to be my one constant, I can rely and trust in Him fully….doubt shouldn’t be a factor in our relationship. (Still something I’m working on, to be quite honest!) Secondly, my desire is to remain steadfast in my faith this year…to solidify, committ and devote myself fully to following Christ. Within my job, my church community, my friends, at home, etc. I am not putting unrealistic expectations on myself, I know that there will be times of wavering. I will allow myself room to mess up but also choose to remind myself of my desire to be steadfast in those times. Thirdly, the word loyal stuck out to me when reading the synonyms for steadfast. I want to be a loyal friend, mentor, daughter, sister, to those around me this year. I’ve struggled with loyalty, I don’t belive I’ve been the greatest at it and I haven’t always had the most loyal people in my life either. But that doesn’t mean that I should completely write it off, loyalty is something that I can continue to learn and grow in as my relationships grow and change as well. 

I was inspired to write about this after reading Sarah Bessey’s blogpost about her #oneword365 😊 What is your #oneword365 for this year? You don’t have to tell me why but I’m genuinely interested in hearing it! I will be praying for you as you start this new year with this new word as your motivation, you are loved! xo 

7 thoughts on “This will not be titled ‘New year, new me!’ 

  1. Hello Kali!
    Suzie D. here from K-town.
    Thank you for your brave choice to blog. Your transparency is refreshing, your real faith walk encouraging.
    I am looking forward to
    more posts as the Spirit moves you.
    Thank you for the inspiration.
    God bless you 💛🙏🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kali Margaret,

    I know it’s expected of parents to be all googly, mushy and say creepy good things when they’re proud of their kids. So here goes – proud of you my sweet muffin cake little pumpkin pie!🐻 Your a brave girl who I’m proud to be the mom of, you take after your papa well! 💜

    Liked by 1 person

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